About Us
Back in 2005, before SCP was conceived, our founder Brooke was working with Project Wildlife in San Diego. At the time, adult wild parrots that were brought into the PW Care Center were humanely put down, and nestlings were given to volunteers to keep as pets. Although these birds are very much wild animals, there was no protocol in place for their long-term care and eventual release back into the wild. That's when Brooke decided that she and her husband, Josh, would start a small rescue dedicated exclusively to the naturalized wild parrots in San Diego. Fast-forward a decade or so later, and SoCal Parrot has grown into a successful wild parrot rehabilitation organization. Since 2014, we have increased our intake and release numbers exponentially. We partner with other rescues throughout Southern California to ensure critical cases can be triaged or seen by an avian vet while they await transport to our facility in San Diego. It truly is a labor of love, and we are very proud of all that SCP has accomplished so far!

Meet Our Team
What We Do


SoCal Parrot was founded to bridge the gap of care and consideration for wild, naturalized parrots. We are also a resource for wild parrot conservation, education, and protections. What does that mean? We rescue and rehabilitate wild parrots from Southern California, and release them back into the urban wild when they are healthy again. There are a LOT of facts about our local wild parrot populations, so we have compiled a list of some Frequently Asked Questions to help inform the public.